At Teranet, we are constantly looking for ways to provide an optimal customer experience. We’ve heard from our customers that there is a need for an easy and efficient way to source complete property intelligence across Canada, so we are working hard and have made some significant strides towards delivering an improved solution.
In case you missed it, we recently added enhanced Alberta title data to the PurView for Lenders reports. When pulling reports for Alberta properties users now have access to title data including the municipality, legal description as well as owner name and address for no additional cost.
Additionally PurView for Lenders users have the ability to access full title data from the Title Search for an additional cost. Mortgage Brokers will have access to Alberta title data via the eStore that is launching this fall – stay tuned for more details coming soon!
If you have any questions about these enhancements, or would like to learn more about the Alberta property data and title reports available within PurView, contact your dedicated account manager.
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