AVM How Accurate is an Automated Valuation Model (AVM)? Automated Valuation Models (AVMs) are increasingly becoming popular because they provide multiple advantages to mortgage…PurViewDecember 3, 2020
AlbertaBritish ColumbiaTitle CertificateTitle Search Property Monitoring: Client Retention Case Study Customer loyalty is paramount to any lending institution’s business strategy. Many financial institutions are focused…PurViewDecember 2, 2020
Mortgage Industry Private Lenders are Going for Mortgage Automation – What’s Holding You Back? They say change is the only constant. This is absolutely true. Over the past few…PurViewNovember 5, 2020
Fraud Mortgage Fraud or Innocent Oversights? Mortgage fraud – two words that make every lender and broker cringe. With the backdrop…PurViewNovember 2, 2020
Lenders Technology for Lenders: Why is Digital Integration More Important Than Ever? COVID-19 has provided an introspection opportunity to the organizations in the real estate and mortgage…PurViewOctober 19, 2020
AVM Lender Focus: Automated Valuation Models Mitigate Risks and Uncover Opportunities As a lender, your most valuable resources are your frontline service and underwriting staff. Whether…PurViewOctober 15, 2020
Housing Market News In the News: Do You Think That Canadian Home Prices Will See a Slow Recovery? This question has to be one of the most asked questions during the pandemic! And…PurViewOctober 13, 2020
AVM Leading the Charge: Real Estate Technology That Empowers Your Brokers and Agents to Attain Success The mortgage industry is rapidly evolving. Things are changing fast and brokers and agents are…PurViewOctober 8, 2020
Lenders What Mortgage Deferrals Mean for Lenders – Are You Prepared for Your Customers’ Mortgage Deferrals to Come Due? This year has been a challenging one for individuals and businesses. Many households across Canada…PurViewSeptember 24, 2020
Mortgage Brokers FSRA Issues New Guidance to Mortgage Brokerages for Syndicated Mortgage Investments Due to COVID-19, both public and private organizations are putting measures in place to protect…PurViewSeptember 21, 2020