Mortgage Brokers What a property’s sales history can tell you about your client As a mortgage broker, one of the most useful pieces of data available to you…PurViewOctober 11, 2022
Lenders As Good Time as Any to Assess Your Mortgage Underwriting Portfolio – Regulated or Not Non-regulated and private mortgage lenders are not subject to the same Canadian mortgage stress test…PurViewMay 21, 2019
Housing Market News Scaling Your Collections Department – What to Do When Defaults Rise The collections departments of today might look very different from the collections departments of 10…PurViewDecember 31, 2018
Lenders Optimizing Your Underwriting Process to Close More Deals When was the last time you reviewed your underwriting process? It can be easy to…PurViewDecember 17, 2018
Lenders Mortgage Underwriting Due Diligence in 1-2-3 – How to Create Powerful Lender-Broker Alignment That Leads to More Closed Deals All lenders know the importance of mortgage underwriting due diligence, but sometimes that can be…PurViewJune 25, 2018
Lenders Mortgage Application Tips: How to Validate 75% of Your Information in Less Than 15 Minutes Validating the information in a client’s mortgage application is a critical step in the mortgage…PurViewJanuary 3, 2018
Mortgage Brokers Mortgage Underwriting Tips – Purchase Vs. Refi Mortgages Underwriting mortgage is very different depending on whether you are putting together a purchase mortgage…PurViewFebruary 22, 2017
Housing Market News Will a Spike in Americans Buying in Canada Impact Your Mortgage Underwriting? Since the recent U.S. election, the media has been buzzing about Americans who are considering…PurViewFebruary 14, 2017