The sixth edition of the Teranet Market Insights Report is available for download and, with it, exclusive insights into mortgage lending trends amongst first-time home buyers in Ontario.
This edition of the Teranet MIR focuses on first-time home buyers in Ontario, including whether they are gravitating towards big banks or private/alternative lenders.
In the last edition of the Market Insights Report we focused on mortgage market share in Ontario. Our data showed that in a post stress test environment the Big-5 Banks were still dominating the market, but some buying groups were starting to shift away from these lending institutions. We can see a similar trend with first-time home buyers in recent years…
Discover how the mortgage market share shifted among first-time home buyers between 2017 and 2018, and how it breaks down between the big-5 banks, credit unions, individual lenders, and trust companies.
We also reveal must-know information into a significant change in the number of parties registered on title… This is vital to your mortgage due diligence.
Access it all instantly. Download the sixth edition of the Teranet Market Insights Report for free here:
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